Each design is listed with it's number of colors, number of sides printed on, and the estimated price of each. They are in order from cheapest to most expensive.
The price is determined by the number of colors, number of sides printed on, and the color of the tshirt.
Price quote is from a potential supplier/printer. Actual prices will be dependant on the number of shirts actually ordered. (The more shirts we order, the cheaper they will be). A small percentage of the sale price will be donated toward running Sega Xtreme's web site.
Please only vote for a shirt design is you are at least considering buying a shirt.
Voting will end Monday, July 14th. That will give you plenty of time to make a decision.
The winner of this contest gets a free shirt with their design.
May the best shirt win!
The price is determined by the number of colors, number of sides printed on, and the color of the tshirt.
Price quote is from a potential supplier/printer. Actual prices will be dependant on the number of shirts actually ordered. (The more shirts we order, the cheaper they will be). A small percentage of the sale price will be donated toward running Sega Xtreme's web site.
Please only vote for a shirt design is you are at least considering buying a shirt.
Voting will end Monday, July 14th. That will give you plenty of time to make a decision.
The winner of this contest gets a free shirt with their design.
May the best shirt win!