About a Lunar Magic School Translation

Was there any documentation or any information on Naflign's Ego's translation of Lunar Magic School? After seeing that the text able to be inserted and displayed in the game, I've become encouraged enough to possibly attempt translating the menus and as many items as possible.

While I don't know a tremendous amount of japanese, I am capable of reading the all Hiragana and Katakana very easily and know about 300 Kanji (meger by most standards). I also know individuals who are fluent in Japanese and would be able to assist me with the more difficult parts.

Anyway, if anyone has a information about any documentation left (if there is any), has any suggestions themselves, or would just like to say that I am completely over my head and should give up, please do.

In the mean time, I'll start searching myself for any random documentation that might help, and begin looking at the data on my copy of the game.
