By the way, those Dragon Force 2 saves were not done by me, please credit Prodakah and FaustWolf.
I would love to participate in this, but sadly, I have one of the new AR 4 in 1 carts without the parallel port 🙁. Maybe I'll have to send some money @cafe-alpha 's way to get me a usb dev cart seeing as I don't have to means to make the pcb itself and obviously trying to pay a company to make one unit isn't exactly practical XD. I could hand solder all the components but have no way to make the pcb oh well 😛. Maybe I'll order a cart from cafe-alpha soon 😛
EDIT: Also I've been wanting to try out some of the datalink homebrews anyways 😛
Thank you for your save data 🙂
Credits are written in .txt file near each save data file.
I plan to display .txt file contents when a save data file is selected ... but I don't know when I will be able to implement this feature.
I plan to release Saturn Gamer's cartridge soon ... don't know when, but it should be soon 🙂
Credits are written in .txt file near each save data file.
I plan to display .txt file contents when a save data file is selected ... but I don't know when I will be able to implement this feature.
Keep up the pure awesomeness! Would you be interested in having a US based reseller/distributor? PM me if so, my website can be found here: so you can check it out.
Well I was actually thinking if you didn't have them under my name and instead put the saves under their names. Because it looks as if they are my saves. I wouldn't want them to think I was taking credit for them.
I hope you got all the saves because sendspace deletes them after 30 days without any downloads 😛
I tried to download from this link, but it said the link had expired. Could you repost them
I am guessing all the saves are on the pskai 7zip file. Also are their instructions?Everything (and even more 🙂 ) is now available from my homepage :
Edit : ReyVGM (or an admin) : can you change your links from sendspace to my homepage ? This would avoid similar "link not found" claim in the future.
I am guessing all the saves are on the pskai 7zip file. Also are their instructions? said:Save data import steps :
1. Download Pseudo Saturn Kai latest version.
(latest version is the first item in the download list)
2. Burn pskai_sdm_flasher.iso (Pseudo Saturn Kai Save Data Manager and Flasher utility) to a CD-R (not needed if you're using an emulator).
3. Run (or emulate) Pseudo Saturn Kai Save Data Manager and Flasher utility.
4. From Save Data Manager main menu, select "Save Data Import" item.
5. From file browser, select your favorite game's save data dump file, and import it to "internal" (Saturn's internal backup memory) device, or "cartridge" if you're using a backup memory cartridge.
Notes: - Please DON'T swap cartridges when your Saturn is powered on !
This may break your Saturn, or your cartridge, or both![]()
- It is possible to import save data to official backup memory cartridge.
- It is not possible to import save data to Action Replay backup memory.
Thanks man. Downloading right nowInstructions can be found on archive's readme.txt file, or from my homepage too :