Gdemu Openemu Custom Themes for dreamcast

Hello all, I just got my gdemu running and spend sometime to build a few themes for open menu. Since I was on macosx this was challenging. But I managed to do it thanks to all generous developers and community on this site and more. So I decided share those themes and provide the method I preferred. I hope this helps to other enthusiasts. I created these images on illustrator and convert them to png. Then I used PVRView to convert them to pvr files. I use GDMenuCartManager 2.00 for Mac. I placed files attached to this post into application/GDMenuCardManager/Contents/MacOS/tools/openMenu/menu_data/theme folder. Although I edited theme.ini file couldn't manage to change the menu colors. I tried to change the font type, couldn't make it. I tried to decrease the font size did not work out. So far so good. I hope you enjoy it. Again thanks to all!

Artboard 1 copy_2.png
Artboard 1 copy_3.png


Excellent theme. Two notes, I would have kept the coloring of the settings menu a simple white on black or black on white. It's very hard to see settings this way. The other note is that the theme was only made for 4x3 aspect ratio. This makes it so the box insert wallpaper does not align with the gamebox in 16:9. You can get around this by eliminating the frame altogether.
Excellent theme. Two notes, I would have kept the coloring of the settings menu a simple white on black or black on white. It's very hard to see settings this way. The other note is that the theme was only made for 4x3 aspect ratio. This makes it so the box insert wallpaper does not align with the gamebox in 16:9. You can get around this by eliminating the frame altogether.
When you refer to the gamebox not aligning in 16:9, are you referred to outputting 16:9 on a hardware dreamcast or emulation?

I ask because I have a Dreamcast with a Retro GEM installed and was having trouble getting my Widescreen-patched PSOv2EP rendering correctly (Stretching the 4:3 native out to widescreen via tv settings etc)