Gungriffon II English Localized

Gungriffon II English Localized Alpha v.0.97.5 (Public Alpha+ Build)

Gungriffon II English Localized
Alpha build v.0.97 (open alpha build)

Gungriffon II Localization Team Members:

Samuel "The SSG" Myles
Text and image translation and localization
Coding and implementation

Anthony "Knigh0fDragon" Randazzo
Reverse engineering
Technical advice

Greg "Lacquerware" Moore
Text and image translation and localization


1. Currently, 97% percent of written text within the game has been translated and replaced.
2. The only text that remains is that concerning the “2 Player” mode only accessible via the Saturn Link Cable. I, The SSG, do not have access to this cable at the moment, so I cannot ensure text is implemented properly.
3. Japanese that appears on screen outside of the chat boxes are not injected text, but rather images. This along with English audio, will be handled during the Beta phase of this project.
4. Please report any issues you may come across in the projects discord server. Join the Gungriffon II Translation / Localization Project Discord Server! This could include graphical issues with text (if you see text that looks like a bunch of squished up boxes, then that is untranslated text.), sound issues, or crashes.
5. While we are happy to release this alpha build for community testing, we ask that you do not distribute this build of the game. This includes pre-patched versions of the game. The Gungriffon II Localization Team does not in any way endorse pre-patched versions of the game, and we ask that you report them to us immediately.
6. Suit up, WW3 isn’t gonna fight itself!


  • Mission 1.png
    Mission 1.png
    46.7 KB · Views: 22,415
  • Excercise 1.png
    Excercise 1.png
    44.2 KB · Views: 412
  • Survival 1.png
    Survival 1.png
    40.8 KB · Views: 409
  • High-Macs 1.png
    High-Macs 1.png
    34.3 KB · Views: 1,245
  • Weapon Selection.png
    Weapon Selection.png
    15.3 KB · Views: 459
  • Gungriffon II alpha v.0.97.7z
    Gungriffon II alpha v.0.97.7z
    2.9 MB · Views: 392
Last edited:
The_SSG updated Gungriffon II English Localized Alpha build v.0.97 (open alpha build) with a new update entry:

Progression on Over Scan Issues (Still Ongoing)


1. 4 additional lines of text added.
2. Modification of text on non-scrolling text to accommodate CRT over scan.
3. This fix will require further changes to graphics on certain screens to accommodate the text shift.
4. Further changes are currently in R&D concerning scrolling text screens.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I cannot seem to apply this patch to my image. Using the Sega Saturn Image Patcher I get an error stating the patch requires version 1.95.8035.20705 or greater.

I am new to this so I am not sure if it is my image, the patch, or the program. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I cannot seem to apply this patch to my image. Using the Sega Saturn Image Patcher I get an error stating the patch requires version 1.95.8035.20705 or greater.

I am new to this so I am not sure if it is my image, the patch, or the program. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
There is a version of SSP bundled with the patch, is that the one you're using?
There is a version of SSP bundled with the patch, is that the one you're using?

I did not realize that was included with the patch. I was using the most current one off the site (1.91). I posted this in the patcher thread as well where I was directed to the Wachenroder patch, which included the 1.95 patcher. I haven't had a chance to burn the disc yet but the image was created successfully.

Thanks for the prompt reply!