Originally posted by gameboy900@Oct 9, 2003 @ 04:37 AM
The audio comming from the hard drive only happens if you don't mute the input channels. Once I mute the Line In, CD and Aux lines the feedback disappears. There's really little that can be done to prevent the radio interference from registering on these inputs under normal circumstances. With an OS like WinXP you can set CD drives to play audio CD's digitally eliminating the need for the CD and Aux inputs. As for Line In you would generally not need it anyway. For my TV tunner I have DScaler mute it (return to original settings) once I close the program. Haven't had a problem with it since.
Nah...that really isn't it. If you play anything - even a file containing silence - it'll stop the noises from the HD. The problem with the analogue audio is that even on the best nForce boards, they still use the same shitty DAC that you get with the Realtek onboard audio on cheaper boards. Obviously, if you use the digital output, this isn't a problem.