Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Saturn English Patch

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Saturn Translation 0.21

Another dialog issue, though it may be a little more involved.

Version 0.21d

Location: Transmission Springs (After saving the 'Dragon Kids' and moving on from Taben's Peak/The Grindery, I went straight to the Transmission Springs before visiting vane).

  • The dialog from the NPC near the top of the screen who gives you a Bromide seems to imply you've collected every Bromide except the one he gives you.
  • I have not really gone out of my way to collect Bromides, and only had two; the one of Lucia from the town you meet Ronfar in, and the poster featuring Jean after finding the Carnival troupe for the first time.
  • In the original Japanese script, his dialog is much shorter and simply acknowledges that you collect Bromides too (makes sense since I had two already), but that there are a lot more out there.
  • Watching a let's play video on youtube of the PS1 WD localization, - YouTube (approx. 8 hours, 22 minutes if the time stamp doesn't work), the dialog is also different and does not act as though he has collected all but one, and he has 2-3 more bromides than I do by the time he talks to that NPC.
  • I tried talking to the NPC on 0.19b and the dialog was the same.
Not sure if you can confirm this, but this feels like the NPC's dialog is supposed to differ depending on your progress collecting the Bromides.
Am I reading too much into that, or has a flag been inadvertently set by the patch, or possibly a by-product from me using the same save data across several patch revisions?

I wasn't really planning on going nuts with collecting everything until after confirming the patch is playable all the way through on original hardware. Seemed like a good excuse to start all the way over and give the patch a run from start to finish.

Slot 1 on Internal RAM. (I think I saved on the Transmission Springs screen, otherwise, it may load on the World Map and you just need to walk down past Vane, straight to the Transmission Springs)


I’ll take a look this weekend, I vaguely recall editing some text related to that NPC while fixing some psx/saturn bromide differences. Might have pasted in the wrong thing.

The Saturn flag commands were not touched, that was in a separate section of the game script which I leave unaltered. Game saves should also not affect you since I have not altered the save data format in any build. I think the only real difference in game saves may be it saves some location text, but i made sure to stay within the allowed buffer size for that.
Ive got another 10 or so things to fix that have been reported on disc 2, so you might want to wait for the next update when you get there.