Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Saturn English Patch

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Saturn Translation 0.21

@gameofyou1 @Late To the Beard Party Thanks for the encouragement! [...]

Next up, I ran into what appears to be an impassable hard lock issue this time.

After defeating the boss at the end of "Haribote Dungeon" and the game transitions from the battle screen back to the mansion, you can hear Lemia's (or maybe Ruby's?) voice chastising you. However, only the dialog background box itself is visible with no Portrait (if there's meant to be one at this point) or dialog text, and no "press button to progress" indicator arrow. No response to any button inputs, forcing a reset of the game. (Will be a rough one to test if fixed as that boss fight was a slog, maybe I should grind some more levels and money in the mean time!)

As a minor, separate note: the enemy "Nemrin" (Ghostly Girl apparition enemy in the same dungeon) does have at least a couple attack animations (ポカ and チュ) with onomatopoeia Katakana next to their character sprite when used. Not sure if it's worth messing with, but just thought I'd mention it!
Good news - I think i found the fix for the double-button press in the ronfar scene. It appears that the psx version has new audio there so they have a cmd 8000 button press followed by a timer. My guess is either the button press needs to change to 2000 or the timer needs to get removed since it may detect that as more dlog box input.

I’ll have to look into the hard-lock. That wasnt happening before so i probably typod something with the recent updates is my guess.

Character sprites will probably get pushed to later. I havent searched for that yet, but keep a list as you find them
Good news - I think i found the fix for the double-button press in the ronfar scene. It appears that the psx version has new audio there so they have a cmd 8000 button press followed by a timer. My guess is either the button press needs to change to 2000 or the timer needs to get removed since it may detect that as more dlog box input.

I’ll have to look into the hard-lock. That wasnt happening before so i probably typod something with the recent updates is my guess.

Character sprites will probably get pushed to later. I havent searched for that yet, but keep a list as you find them
If it helps, it seems to have snuck in with version 0.21. I tested 0.19b and while part of Lemia's dialog seemed to "hitch" part way through the line, it at least loaded, and the timer pushed past that line to the cut scene and the dialog after. In 0.21, it locks like in the current version. (I'm getting pretty good at beating that boss now, lol)

Also, if this isn't already on the priority list somewhere (arguably it would be closer towards the bottom), during battle, the font used for the name of the skill that's actively being used by a party member could use an update. In the original Japanese, that font has a dark (navy blue?) background around the white text font that helps it stand out against the background. The text/font currently in use with the patch has no outline for the font, and I've noticed that on battle backgrounds with lighter colors on that area of the screen it tends to wash out the skill/spell name text except for moves that make the background darken.
Next up, I ran into what appears to be an impassable hard lock issue this time.

After defeating the boss at the end of "Haribote Dungeon" and the game transitions from the battle screen back to the mansion, you can hear Lemia's (or maybe Ruby's?) voice chastising you. However, only the dialog background box itself is visible with no Portrait (if there's meant to be one at this point) or dialog text, and no "press button to progress" indicator arrow. No response to any button inputs, forcing a reset of the game. (Will be a rough one to test if fixed as that boss fight was a slog, maybe I should grind some more levels and money in the mean time!)

As a minor, separate note: the enemy "Nemrin" (Ghostly Girl apparition enemy in the same dungeon) does have at least a couple attack animations (ポカ and チュ) with onomatopoeia Katakana next to their character sprite when used. Not sure if it's worth messing with, but just thought I'd mention it!
Church scene is fixed now. Double-button press is gone, out-of-order text was a copy/paste error. I threw in huff huff huff for now, but the dialog here needs to get looked at at some point. Its not a match to the original, might be one of the areas where WD drew from the mega cd script instead. Vic mentioned that in a thread somewhere.

On the lockup, are you talking about roughly 31:30 in this video?
I am getting a Polymega later this year and i am really looking forward to be able to play Sega Saturn games with english translation patches. Will this work on a Polymega? I have heard that people having trouble with some translation patches for the Sega saturn on the Polymega.
I’m also looking at buying a Polymega.
Did the patch work?

On the lockup, are you talking about roughly 31:30 in this video?
Yes, immediately after that boss fight, on the the dialog with Lemina's portrait and the text "......いったあーい〜!!". I believe it's an auto-progress/timer dialog that eventually leads to her introduction cut scene.
With the current patch, her portrait and that dialog never appears, only the background box for the dialog. The audio for her lines plays, and then the game effectively hard locks as there's no way to progress.

EDIT: In Version 0.19b, the portrait and her first line, "You idiots!" loads correctly.
The next line stops short, "You've totally-", but the timer still progresses, Lemina steps into view, and then the cut scene loads.
(Okay apparently I've been spelling Lemina's name wrong this whole time, sorry about that, lol)
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Yes, immediately after that boss fight, on the the dialog with Lemina's portrait and the text "......いったあーい〜!!". I believe it's an auto-progress/timer dialog that eventually leads to her introduction cut scene.
With the current patch, her portrait and that dialog never appears, only the background box for the dialog. The audio for her lines plays, and then the game effectively hard locks as there's no way to progress.

EDIT: In Version 0.19b, the portrait and her first line, "You idiots!" loads correctly.
The next line stops short, "You've totally-", but the timer still progresses, Lemina steps into view, and then the cut scene loads.
(Okay apparently I've been spelling Lemina's name wrong this whole time, sorry about that, lol)
I may need to get a save for that point in the game if you can get one off your system. The closest one i have right now looks like its in Dalton. The odd thing is that the timing looks like it should work (the file is unmodified from the original here) — clearly theres an issue though if 0.19 was having problems.
I may need to get a save for that point in the game if you can get one off your system. The closest one i have right now looks like its in Dalton. The odd thing is that the timing looks like it should work (the file is unmodified from the original here) — clearly theres an issue though if 0.19 was having problems.
Apologies, it took me a bit to get it copied over. I'm still inexperienced with Mednafen, but I got the save file to load. The top save in either internal or cart ram should be the correct save.

I included the .bup file as well just in case.


Thanks, ill probably get around to taking a look later this week.

I thought I'd use 0.19b to get past the hard lock, save, and then load 0.21b again to look for any more issues and I've come across another hard lock that seems similar to the previous one.

I know it's an old game, but out of courtesy, I figured I'd use spoiler function going forward since I believe it's getting to that point in the story.

Version: 0.21b
Save Location: Ancient Ruins Top Floor.
Summary: Hard Lock at Ancient Ruins during (re)introduction to Ghaleon, used 0.19b to bypass and found a second text "hitch" shortly after.

Issue #1 (Hard Lock on 0.21b): Move up to activate the flashback cut scene. After, Ghaleon eventually speaks up (no portrait for this line, but I believe that's intentional for the reveal)
"Hm hm hm hm hm... That was a record of my best work."
Hiro: "Who's there!?"
The next dialog box is empty, at which point the game effectively freezes with no way to move forward.
After loading version 0.19b, the game hitches on the dialog at the same point, but still pushes past it to Ghaleon's introduction cut scene.

Issue #2 (Text Hitch on 0.19b): After Ghaleon's introduction cut scene, the timed text hitches on the following line:

Ghaleon: "Truly, if there is a god of destiny, he is fond of plot twists. Aha-"

Again, I reached the above line while on 0.19b, but while the dialog freezes here, the timer does not. The spoken dialog continues with the above line remaining in place until the dialog reaches Lemina's line "That was GHALEON?!", where dialog control is given back to the player until the conversation is over and the player can move again.

This second issue may have already been resolved by later revisions, but may be worth a glance while investigating Issue #1.

Updated save files attached. Select "Int. RAM" and then the save in the top slot.


Have you tried beating the boss on Mednafen with your save? It seems to be fine on v1.27 (although a graphic of the boss moves around the screen after beating him until you enter and exit a battle). I'll check it on v1.32. Now that im checking again, looks like i used v0.21c, didnt think i fixed anything major in this one, maybe on accident, but ill post it anyway.


ok, v1.32.1 reproduces the lockup. Should be able to figure this out now.

Figured it out.... At some point prior to 0.19 I cut and pasted some formatted stuff in from the saturn, didnt update the control codes, entered in some english over the japanese, then told the converter program that the control codes were in PSX format.

The result was that 0xBxxx portraits were correct, 0xCxxx portraits switched to control code 0xDxxx (Custom animation) which for some reason didn't crash in the older mendafen, but does something terrible on the latest version as well as Saturn hardware. I'll do a quick scan and see where else i might have done this on accident.

I'm guessing the only reason it didnt crash on 0.19 is that the text was cutting off early due to the bad timers.
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New test version. Looks like it fixed the crashing on Mednafen for me, should have also fixed it on real HW.
Fortunately, I managed to replace the capacitors in my Saturn without destroying it in the process, so I still have original hardware to test with! lol
Both hard locks appear to have been resolved with 0.21d, with no alternate issues appearing to crop up in either scenario!

I've been focused on trying to resolve my intermittent audio issue with my Satiator (recap didn't resolve it unfortunately) so I hadn't progressed too far past the second hard lock. Will move forward with 0.21d and report back if I come across any new issues.
Minor dialog portrait issue:

Version: 0.21d (Also tested and confirmed present back on version 0.19b)
Platform: Original Hardware & Mednafen
Location: Approaching Taben's Peak, after speaking to Lunn in Meribia.
Issue: Four lines of dialog where the portrait is a solid black/gray square.

After entering the Taben's Peak area from the World Map, manually progressed dialog begins:

LEMINA: We have to be mega-careful around here. Taben's Peak is just ahead...
LEMINA: ...and this is where Master Lunn said most of the robberies are taking place.
LEMINA: Keep your eyes peeled and your hands on your valuables.

[BLACK SQUARE]: Ronfar! Take your hands out of your pants!
[BLACK SQUARE]: Just following orders...
[BLACK SQUARE]: And hilarious!

The original dialog was quite different, but using a let's play video of the localization, the 4 affected lines appear to be spoken by: Lemina, Ronfar, Lemina, and Jean, in that order. ( - YouTube )

Original Japanese dialog below:


よく カモにするの

だから 山賊に

......さて と

まとめて 100Sに

レ レミーナ

Attached save, select Internal Ram, Slot 3 (World Map) and enter the area to the East/North East.


From comparing the original to WD scripts, it looks like WD inserted some additional portraits, which is why they are displaying as blank. They did that a few times in SSSC. I’ll take a look at the translator notes for this part and probably replace the dialog and portraits with the original.
From comparing the original to WD scripts, it looks like WD inserted some additional portraits, which is why they are displaying as blank. They did that a few times in SSSC. I’ll take a look at the translator notes for this part and probably replace the dialog and portraits with the original.

I figured it was related to adding Ronfar into the conversation. For what it's worth, I liked Lemina's bit a little more in the original anyway, lol
By the look of it, I guess WD didn't think ライナス was a fitting name for the martial arts master.
Minor issue with an extra bit of text in a dialog line, likely a simple edit to fix.

Version 0.21d

Returning to Grindery after Meribia Sewers.
Load the save file (Internal, Slot 1, Grindery Floor 8), exit through door straight up.

Timed dialog with audio of Lucia singing:

Lucia: [GONE]
(brief pause while audio continues with no dialog)
Lucia: [GONE]

Japanese dialog is simply a combination of ラ, ~, and ♪, [GONE] does not appear to be a reference to anything from the Japanese dialog. Assuming it's as simple as deleting [GONE] from the dialog.


From what I've seen, [Gone] appears to be what Working Designs used to mark unused text - Either text that was never used, text they removed themselves, or text that existed in the Saturn script but was already removed from JP PSX. I'll go delete that. There might be more instances of [GONE]. I left them in there to keep track of unused dialogs.

To update you, I managed to locate the Dice graphics and Nemrin monster graphics. Just need to decide what to replace them with now, figure out if i want or need to locate the code to resize them, and bug @Malenko