The return of the MD1 SCART cable!

Ok, here goes my questions:

First of all, I always read that the pinout on GamesX is inverted, but I don't know how is the original position, so it does mean nothing to me. For clarification:

GamesX pinout

A shitty phto of the DIN connector, solder side.

How they relate the one to the other?

Second question:

So, the conections goes that way:

Composite ..... Pin 19

Audio ........... Pin 3

Green ........... Pin 11 (With 75 Ohm resistor)

Red ............. Pin 15 (With 75 Ohm resistor)

Blue ............ Pin 7 (With 75 Ohm resistor)

5V ............... Directly on pin 8, pin 16 wth 75 Ohm resistor

Ground ........ Pin 21 (that is, the metallic outsidethe connector).

Is that right? I miss some resistor in any place?

Third question:

Where in the hell I solder the Sync signal?

Thanks in advance.
composite goes to pin 20, not 19. synch isn't used (it's needed for the 32x), since the composite video signal acts as synch.

I suggest using video ground (pin 17) as ground, shielding is shaky as heck usually.
Anyway, I want to leave sync already soldered in the case some day I will use it. Or sync and comp video are soldered to the same pin and you have to select btw one or another? Note that it will be used to send a NTSC signal to a PAL TV.

The pinout and the photo, how are related? 1 in the pinout is 1 in the photo, or 1 in te pinout is 7 in the photo, or what?
