
Feels a hell of a lot faster too.

That's because we managed to fix a bug that was causing SDL's event handler to eat up something like 30% of the cpu. 🙂

For those that are curious, I'm averaging somewhere between 30-50 FPS on most games now. In fact, a few games(Albert Odyssey for one) are actually running at close to 60 FPS or faster. I'm running it on an Athlon XP 2500.

Cyber Warrior X
Well have tested out some games and here are my results:

shining the holy ark (US) - black screen after sega logo

thunder force V (JAP) - black screen

story of thor 2 (US) - shows title, menu not visible.Crashes after selecting new game.

Opening video plays, but only the sound can be heard

shienryu (jap) - playable, but very slow and lots of graphical glitches

twin cobra 2 plus (jap) - Opening video plays but than crashes with "SH2 invalid opcode"

sonic R (US) - reaches title, got stuck at "Press Start Button" (or was just exceeding slow).Could be control is broken.

sega rally (EUR) - crashes after high score screen with invalid opcode

shining force III : scenario 2 (jap) - black screen after now loading

shining force III : premium disc (jap) - playable, some graphical glitches (artwork not centered).Couldn't test battle mode without a save for any of the main scenarios

sega ages : mickey and donald (jap) - gets to title, but both games crash with black screen

sega xtreme contest 1 - reaches title, but once you select any of the demos/games it goe

s into a continuos loop

sega ages memorial collection 2 (jap) - playable, only tried monaco GP but it works perfectly.Very fast and sound near flawless

radiant silvergun (jap) - playable (but a bit too demanding for my system)

resident evil (US)- playable, glitchy character models (shows a slew of can't allocate texture messages).Very slow

panzer dragoon saga - shows stuff, movies crash the emulator to a black screen.Can be skipped by pressing start quickly.Heavy glitching at name select screen(and in game).In game text doesn't work

princess crown (jap) -playable, some glitches.Didn't wait until actual battles (too slow for my machine)

dracula X (jap) - shows stuff, graphical glitches (menus, and can't see character or enemies fully)

battle garegga - shows stuff, graphics are mostly good, but music and controls don't wor

What video card are you using?

A lowly Geforce FX 5200 😛

Darklegion: Thanks for reporting the results of your tests. 🙂 Normally if you have freeglut or some kind of glut installed, configure -should- automatically use fps display, gui or not. Just make sure you press F1 while running yabause in order to display it.

Cyber Warrior X
Couldn't get it to work (FPS display) but it isn't a big deal really.I have one other request, though.It would be nice to have a -nosound option as the sound is pretty hard to handle for most games at the moment, and I'm generally listening to music in the background at any given time anyway.
Piratero: Your right it's a fairly simple thing (hopefully, dunno with the various ports) to comment out sound, but I think it's a great idea in terms of usability for Yabause, which is already awesome. Also keep in mind not everyone is a coder.
Piratero: Your right it's a fairly simple thing (hopefully, dunno with the various ports) to comment out sound, but I think it's a great idea in terms of usability for Yabause, which is already awesome. Also keep in mind not everyone is a coder.

I'll try adding it in sometime this week(unless someone else beats me to it). I've just been busy with a lot of other things of late, some relating to yabause, some not.

Cyber Warrior X
Ok guys I took a peek at the source code and it's way more complicated than I thought initially.

DarkLegion: All you have to do is comment out one line. In sndsdl.c comment out the first reference to: "SDL_PauseAudio(0);".

CWX: I'm submitting a patch, please take a look at it when you get a chance. I implemented command line support (-ns and --nosound). Unfortunately I used extern (don't know your policy on globals)...
CWX: I'm submitting a patch, please take a look at it when you get a chance. I implemented command line support (-ns and --nosound). Unfortunately I used extern (don't know your policy on globals)...

Alright, proper support has been added. I had to do a number of changes though. We normally try to have everything that interacts with the various interfaces go through the yui interface first. It just keeps everything sane for the various ports(since not all of them use SDL).

Cyber Warrior X
I tried yabause 0.5.0 for Windows,

did the configuration with no cart, CD drive, bios and when I start the emu,

the black window appears for a split of a second and the app closes without any error message, no log file or any hint. What could be the reason?
I tried yabause 0.5.0 for Windows,

did the configuration with no cart, CD drive, bios and when I start the emu,

the black window appears for a split of a second and the app closes without any error message, no log file or any hint. What could be the reason?

It's usually either because the bios file or the image file/cd drive specified wasn't found, etc.

One of the next things on my list is to get the error system working 100%, but as with all things that takes time. And time these days isn't on my side.

Cyber Warrior X
Originally posted by CyberWarriorX@Wed, 2005-10-05 @ 09:31 PM

It's usually either because the bios file or the image file/cd drive specified wasn't found, etc.

One of the next things on my list is to get the error system working 100%, but as with all things that takes time. And time these days isn't on my side.

Cyber Warrior X

[post=140305]Quoted post[/post]​

Well, I tried it again several times, but no chance.

Could it be because I don't have a sound cart?
Actually yes, that could be it too 🙂 Another thing to put on my list of "things to fix".

Alright, I disabled sound and recompiled it. Please try out the attachment and see if that version works instead.

Cyber Warrior X


Thanks CWX!

It does work and wow, this emu is one of the fastest available. Does it already use dynamic binary translation? The SCU DSP debugger is really useful, especially for a DSP fan like me 😉 . Maybe it'll help me to get my voxel demo finished, if I continue it sometime.

I just tested the new app I did yesterday and it looks like on SSF, except the title screen, which got wrong colors. It's DHUFF encoded and decoded with DHUFF.O from BGCON. So this might be a hint.

The emu works fine, but my PC don't, because it crashes after a view minutes. This is a characteristic of my PC, it must be some special GFX overlay feature which SSF and Saturnin don't stress so much. I'll get me some new PC components.
It does work and wow, this emu is one of the fastest available. Does it already use dynamic binary translation? The SCU DSP debugger is really useful, especially for a DSP fan like me wink.gif . Maybe it'll help me to get my voxel demo finished, if I continue it sometime.

It's still entirely interpreter based. 🙂 I'm actually quite excited about how fast it -could- end up being once we get our dynarec core running. The DSP debugger is essentially feature complete, I just have to fix a few formatting problems in disassembler output. It certainly is quite nice though and should be helpful for what you want to do.

Dammit ... I'm soooo late !

/me whips Saturnin ass

Go faster, you lazy boy !


Cyber Warrior X
Keep up on the good work. It is the fastest emulator that I know of and not only that but it works well in xp. Most crash or wont read from my cdrom drive cuz of the driver. I have a tablet pc so it doesnt have the nicest gaming specs but its not a pos either 🙂.

Both nights and Christmas nights work wonderfully with it. Mind you I havent played past the first level in either. Shining force 3 senario 1 does not work as metioned. It is payable but the gfx are off. On my pc most games play at about just over half the regular fps. I took me a good 40 mins to get through the opening of shining force 3 before I could move around and everything.

Sound is another issue with this pc. A lot of emulators have a problem with it. For a few I had to downgrade my driver just for them to work. Also the sound is more choppy on this pc than my desktop. It is most likely the speed but other emulators have had troubles with it. I insted just dled the no sound patch and have tried from there. Daytona is the one game that plays the fastest out of all the games I have mentioned. Its near actual game speed.
Keep up on the good work. It is the fastest emulator that I know of and not only that but it works well in xp. Most crash or wont read from my cdrom drive cuz of the driver. I have a tablet pc so it doesnt have the nicest gaming specs but its not a pos either

Thanks 🙂 I imagine a lot of that has to do with the fact that yabause uses the native cdrom interface for NT instead of using aspi, which IMHO is horrible. Although, because of that you can't run yabause on Win9x. Although I'm pretty sure these days most people who have hardware capable of running yabause probably wouldn't be running Win9x anyways.

Both nights and Christmas nights work wonderfully with it. Mind you I havent played past the first level in either. Shining force 3 senario 1 does not work as metioned. It is payable but the gfx are off. On my pc most games play at about just over half the regular fps. I took me a good 40 mins to get through the opening of shining force 3 before I could move around and everything.

SF3 still needs proper rotation screen and window emulation which we aren't exactly handling 🙂 The other graphical errors I'm not sure about. SF3 also uses the slave sh2 iirc, which is guaranteed to slow down any game at this point(until we have the dynarec core working).

Sound is another issue with this pc. A lot of emulators have a problem with it. For a few I had to downgrade my driver just for them to work. Also the sound is more choppy on this pc than my desktop. It is most likely the speed but other emulators have had troubles with it. I insted just dled the no sound patch and have tried from there. Daytona is the one game that plays the fastest out of all the games I have mentioned. Its near actual game speed.

It also doesn't help that yabause's sound buffering is pretty bad(even when running at full speed you'll get extra noise). That's something that has to be worked on.

Cyber Warrior X