
Yabause has a few graphics problems, though it could just be me. I ran Rockin'-b's demo, with a different background image, in yabause and the display is interesting. This was using 0.5.0 with no sound. I havent tried it in any other verson of Yabause.



these are pictures of the demo using saturnin


After reading the posts about how well Yabause is coming on, I think I will be trying it out for myself soon! 🙂

The only thing is, my system is Athlon XP 2200MHz / 256MB / ATi 9200SE. I fear this is pretty pants for running any Saturn emulator. Am I right?
On my Athlon XP 1600 / 256 MB / GeForce 2 I'm getting 24 fps on the cdplayer screen and 18 fps while playing radiant silvergun.
I get about 20 - 25 on my Athlon XP 2200/1G RAM/Radeon 9000 which is pretty good compared to others (excluding Giri Giri, but hey they have the unfair advantage)
Yabause has a few graphics problems, though it could just be me. I ran Rockin'-b's demo, with a different background image, in yabause and the display is interesting. This was using 0.5.0 with no sound. I havent tried it in any other verson of Yabause.

Hmm... Do you think you could post your modified version of the program? If it is indeed a bug, it may have already been fixed.

btw everyone, version 0.5.1 should be coming pretty soon. Initially it looked like we'd wait a while first, but we've done some major bug fixes that improve performance(I'm getting on average about a 25-33% speed increase), stability, and overall make the emulator a little more polished than previously.

Cyber Warrior X
Originally posted by CyberWarriorX@Mon, 2005-10-17 @ 03:58 PM

Hmm... Do you think you could post your modified version of the program? If it is indeed a bug, it may have already been fixed.

btw everyone, version 0.5.1 should be coming pretty soon. Initially it looked like we'd wait a while first, but we've done some major bug fixes that improve performance(I'm getting on average about a 25-33% speed increase), stability, and overall make the emulator a little more polished than previously.

Cyber Warrior X

[post=140808]Quoted post[/post]​

The only modification I made was convering an image with bgcon and changing the demo to load that instead of lava. I was just testing to see if I was converting the image correctly. Rockin-Bs demo itself also doesnt display properly in Yabause. The 3D saturn is handled better than in Saturnin but the sprites are a bit off as well as the background.

Oh another thing I found while fiddling around with the code for my c4 prog I found that if a game is set to a different resolution it wont open in yabause. Ie anything other than
slInitSystem(TV_320x224, tex_spr, 1);
I tried fooling around with different settings to see what it would do. Text display went funky in saturnin. But yabause didnt even go through the bios animation. I tried mounted images as well as loading the binary. No in opt code or anything, just black screen. When I changed that code back to the usual it works fine.
To the Saturn emulator creators:

Might it be possible to make Saturn emus not require official BIOS?

I remember that Handy (Lynx emu) got a implementation of the BIOS calls inside (faster than real BIOS, too).

And IIRC this guy devster has made a custom BIOS for some machine.

BTW: When will there be an update of Yabause(Win, Mac)?
To the Saturn emulator creators:

Might it be possible to make Saturn emus not require official BIOS?

I remember that Handy (Lynx emu) got a implementation of the BIOS calls inside (faster than real BIOS, too).

And IIRC this guy devster has made a custom BIOS for some machine.

Yes it is, but it's a bit of a pain to implement. Probably moreso on saturn since you'd have to come up with an interesting solution to handle the backup ram functions. Probably the best solution would be an open source bios which is one we've talked about in #yabause on and off.

BTW: When will there be an update of Yabause(Win, Mac)?

We're gearing for a "around christmas" release. Probably during the christmas week if not on christmas itself. The windows and linux ports are looking pretty good right now, and -hopefully- the macos x port can catch up sometime.

Oh yeah, if anyone is interested, I can post a WIP windows binary already for people to test out.

Cyber Warrior X
Just downloaded the Linux CVS for 0.6, it looks awesome, and the emulation is screaming on my 6600 GT. How do I toggle the FPS back on? I don't see them anymore...anyway it's workign noticebly faster than a real saturn on mine. I haven't tested on any game, just some saturn cod ethat I never seem to able to finish. :lol:
Originally posted by slinga@Mon, 2005-12-19 @ 07:04 AM

Just downloaded the Linux CVS for 0.6, it looks awesome, and the emulation is screaming on my 6600 GT. How do I toggle the FPS back on? I don't see them anymore...anyway it's workign noticebly faster than a real saturn on mine. I haven't tested on any game, just some saturn cod ethat I never seem to able to finish. :lol:

[post=142668]Quoted post[/post]​

Press F1 to toggle it. Thanks to Nytux we were able to squeeze quite a bit more speed in the sh2 interpreter core. 🙂 In some games I get as high as 90-100 fps now. Now we just have to fix sound and improve vdp1/vdp2 emulation.

Cyber Warrior X
First (Slinga induced) bug report on 0.6 beta. Pressing F1 crashes. I tested at the Sega logo, at the end of the Sega logo, and when the iso was loaded and running. The error is as follows:

~> yabause

Unhandled long read 00370000

Unhandled long read 00370004

Unhandled long read 00370000

Unhandled long read 00370004

freeglut ERROR: Function <glutBitmapCharacter> called without first calling 'glutInit'.

And it's not me my openGL is working (for once):

~> glxinfo | grep direct

direct rendering: Yes

Everything else works so don't sweat it. And yeah I should really be studying for that final I have tomorrow. Man I'm a slacker.

Edit: So with the NYC subway strike all my finals got postponed. Which means instead of studying I'm playing around with Yabause...anyway the problem is the same problem I had before. freeglut-2.4 does not work, downgrading to freeglut-2.2 works. It no longer crashes.

As for FPS, in the bootup screen I'm getting around 50-52 fps, in one of the games I coded I'm getting 140+ FPS.
I just downloaded the latest release and I seem to be getting the same issue I was having with 0.5.0 🙁

Here is a link to the post for reference :


However 0.5.0 still works so I assume that this is a different issue?

I believe installing automake-1.6 fixed the issue with 0.5.0 but that doesn't seem to help here.

Anyway I get this message after when I click "Execute" after selecting a bios and cdrom (happens with a iso file too):

Couldn't set GL mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual

Cannot initialize VDP1

SH2 invalid opcode

Segmentation fault
As I re-"upgraded" my computer to a duron 750MHz, I can finally use emus efficiently again and want to give some feedback on yabause 0.6.0.

The speed is amazing, really impressive. With an interpreter core, it reaches almost the same speed level as satourne with dynamic binary translation. Gongratulations, good work!

I've tested almost all of my own Saturn proggies and found out that a lot of them got distorted colors in graphics.

Fortunately, I could figure out which code is most likely not emulated correct.

It is the graphics decompression code in DEHUFF.O from BGCON (saturn graphics conversion utility).

The bug occurs with both CPU cores.


WinterSports Eins:

- all uncompressed GFX work, all DHUFF compressed don't

SGTD & SaveGameManagerr:

- both display the same BG image, but not correct on SGTD (DHUFF), while it works in SGM (uncompressed)

Texture Coordinate Demo #3/#4:

- all textures are messed up. Thought it could be a DMA problem, but that's not the case: all source textures images are DHUFF compressed and if these are messed up, the displayed textured polygons will be, too.


- does even hang (?) on the title screen (DHUFF). Only some pixels of title screen are diplayed (wrong), the hang might be due to some other bug or might not even be a hang, since no other emu passed to the Atlas main screen in the time I gave them.

Apart from better compatibility, other things I'd like to have:

- custom controls, because german keyboard layout is different, the 'm' key is located elsewhere.

- a reset button

Wow, I really like the emu due to it's speed!
The speed is amazing, really impressive. With an interpreter core, it reaches almost the same speed level as satourne with dynamic binary translation. Gongratulations, good work!

Thanks 🙂

I've tested almost all of my own Saturn proggies and found out that a lot of them got distorted colors in graphics.

It could also be due to a bug in vdp1/vdp2 emulation. I know I've seen a few games that still have weird color problems, etc. Also if you can, try out the latest cvs code. Guill did a few vdp fixes that might fix the problem.

Apart from better compatibility, other things I'd like to have:

- custom controls, because german keyboard layout is different, the 'm' key is located elsewhere.

- a reset button

Custom controls is one of the things I've been working on of late. The problem is we need some pretty hefty code structure changes in order to properly accommodate button mapping changes as well as supporting peripherals other than the keyboard. So it might be a while yet until it's working fully.

A reset button was added about a week or so ago to cvs. The next release will have it.

Cyber Warrior X