As I re-"upgraded" my computer to a duron 750MHz, I can finally use emus efficiently again and want to give some feedback on yabause 0.6.0.
The speed is amazing, really impressive. With an interpreter core, it reaches almost the same speed level as satourne with dynamic binary translation. Gongratulations, good work!
I've tested almost all of my own Saturn proggies and found out that a lot of them got distorted colors in graphics.
Fortunately, I could figure out which code is most likely not emulated correct.
It is the graphics decompression code in DEHUFF.O from BGCON (saturn graphics conversion utility).
The bug occurs with both CPU cores.
WinterSports Eins:
- all uncompressed GFX work, all DHUFF compressed don't
SGTD & SaveGameManagerr:
- both display the same BG image, but not correct on SGTD (DHUFF), while it works in SGM (uncompressed)
Texture Coordinate Demo #3/#4:
- all textures are messed up. Thought it could be a DMA problem, but that's not the case: all source textures images are DHUFF compressed and if these are messed up, the displayed textured polygons will be, too.
- does even hang (?) on the title screen (DHUFF). Only some pixels of title screen are diplayed (wrong), the hang might be due to some other bug or might not even be a hang, since no other emu passed to the Atlas main screen in the time I gave them.
Apart from better compatibility, other things I'd like to have:
- custom controls, because german keyboard layout is different, the 'm' key is located elsewhere.
- a reset button
Wow, I really like the emu due to it's speed!