Originally posted by croft@Sat, 2005-03-12 @ 02:39 AM
1.Stick boot disk in
2.Swap with original when looking for ring
3.Put boot back in and hey presto - completed appears.
And what is the difference to the well known swap trick here? 🙁
Originally posted by croft@Sat, 2005-03-12 @ 02:39 AM
1.Stick boot disk in
2.Swap with original when looking for ring
3.Put boot back in and hey presto - completed appears.
Originally posted by croft@Sat, 2005-03-12 @ 03:16 AM
Hi Mr saturn.
The boot cd needa an original sat disk.
The boot cd works in the same way that a game does.
I.E. The laser looks for the outer ring after the code has been read at the start of the disk.
The swap method fools the machine into thinking the disk has it.
Then the boot cd is swapped back into the machine and its process is then loaded.
This only has to be done once.
From then on the machine will not look for any security ring on any disk at all.
[post=131283]Quoted post[/post]