Dracula X Extended mod patch by paul_met

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First of all, this is not a translation. But some elements had to be translated into English for some reason.

Main features:
  • Restoration of translucency of many objects;
  • English translation of some elements;
  • Direct access to the global map;
  • Finalization of the global map;
  • Restoration of the original proportions of some sprites;
  • Removing horizontal black bars of the screen;
  • Skipping videos and dialogues;
  • Access to Richter’s alternate costume;
  • Reduced loading time;
  • Support for 4MB expansion card;
  • Bug fixes;
More details you can found in the readme file.

Update in version 1.1
  • Fixed a palette of haze around the artifact;
  • Blocked entry to the pause menu from the map;
Download: Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight - Extended
It would be cool to update the first post to add that there's a new version of this patch, called "Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight - Ultimate" which is fully translated into English using the PSP script (English Dub and Text) and also has all of these features already mentioned but refined and optimized.

Official Hack release site with download link below:
Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight - Ultimate [Meduza Team] - Version 1.0
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The ultimate patch got it's first update:

Changes in version 1.1
• Increased overall performance in the game (increased CPU frequency);
• Removed voids at the top of the screen in some locations;
• Improved “Hard Mode” (enemies deal 2X damage);
• Added translucency of clouds against the background of the moon (flickering);
• Added translucency to the large window in Count Dracula's apartment;
• The name of the current location is now displayed in teleport rooms;
• Fixed the flame palette in the prologue (before the picture burns);
• Fixed a bug with the palette of a huge skull in an inverted castle;
• Fixed minor bugs in pop-up messages;

More in the description of the video below:
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This is truly a fantastic hack for the original obscure and mostly disregarded Saturn port of Symphony of the Night.
I've been playing through it for a bit, and I only have a couple of points, which I'm not sure if others have already tried tackling, as I'd like to have them as options for this hack:
  • Has someone managed to get the original title screen logo from Symphony of the Night into this hack? Having an option to put back the original title for the game would be nice.
    Like the actual "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" logo for both the title screen and loading screen (or any other instance I might be missing). "Dracula X: Nocturne of Moonlight" might be the actual translation of the title from Japanese, but many have grown accustomed to Symphony of the Night.

  • Has someone managed to get the original PSX English audio dub as an optional patch? It'd be nice to have the option to either choose to have the PSX or the PSP English dubs, without forcing one or the other.

first thx for everything. was having a blast.
was, because, i lost my saved file...
I was playing on kronos 2.6.1 and almost finished first castle. I quit the game and then when i started again from 2 days ago my save was gone!
It's probably the emulator's fault but i have no idea why it's gone or where as i have not changed any configuration.

is it there ? => that the default directory (and i haven't changed that)
=> just checked on my computer, this directory does not exist... dunno if it's a writting right issue or what...?!?

thx again
This is truly a fantastic hack for the original obscure and mostly disregarded Saturn port of Symphony of the Night.
I've been playing through it for a bit, and I only have a couple of points, which I'm not sure if others have already tried tackling, as I'd like to have them as options for this hack:
  • Has someone managed to get the original title screen logo from Symphony of the Night into this hack? Having an option to put back the original title for the game would be nice.
    Like the actual "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" logo for both the title screen and loading screen (or any other instance I might be missing). "Dracula X: Nocturne of Moonlight" might be the actual translation of the title from Japanese, but many have grown accustomed to Symphony of the Night.

  • Has someone managed to get the original PSX English audio dub as an optional patch? It'd be nice to have the option to either choose to have the PSX or the PSP English dubs, without forcing one or the other.

Apart from these two things I wish could have been added (or if not, at least a slight tutorial on how to change the logo myself), I also wanted to mention a bug/glitch with Richter's sprite briefly changing back to his original sprite instead of the new one during Dracula's speech in the intro.
You can see Richter's sprite changing back to his bandana one for some seconds before reverting back to his new sprite.

I haven't seen this happen with his sprite anywhere else atm but I'll drop by if I find anything else.
Apart from these two things I wish could have been added (or if not, at least a slight tutorial on how to change the logo myself), I also wanted to mention a bug/glitch with Richter's sprite briefly changing back to his original sprite instead of the new one during Dracula's speech in the intro.
You can see Richter's sprite changing back to his bandana one for some seconds before reverting back to his new sprite.

I haven't seen this happen with his sprite anywhere else atm but I'll drop by if I find anything else.
This is not a glitch. Richter's alternate costume simply doesn't have all the animations when talking to Dracula. That's why sprites of Richter's original suit appear for a couple of seconds.
This is not a glitch. Richter's alternate costume simply doesn't have all the animations when talking to Dracula. That's why sprites of Richter's original suit appear for a couple of seconds.
Uhm, wouldn't this be one more reason you should backtrack on this forced alternate costume you did? It does not make sense plot wise and sprite wise.
Uhm, wouldn't this be one more reason you should backtrack on this forced alternate costume you did? It does not make sense plot wise and sprite wise.
Such a little thing that occurs only once at the very beginning of the game for a couple of seconds is not even worth paying attention to.
If there's no current sprite for that specific missing frame, I could work on one, I have done spriteart before for several projects, surely I can do so, but how would I go about implementing it myself for testing?
Such a little thing that occurs only once at the very beginning of the game for a couple of seconds is not even worth paying attention to.
Then why did you pay attention to it and implement the forced alternate costume as default in the first place?
Then why did you pay attention to it and implement the forced alternate costume as default in the first place?
Firstly, I was only talking about part of the animation - those couple of frames when talking with Dracula, which appear for a few seconds.
Secondly, the alternative costume is only forced in the prologue (that’s how the game works).
Thirdly, the alt costume is official too, more neat, stylish and not spoiled by poor scaling like the classic one.
And fourthly, those who are so worried that Richter in an alt costume does not look canon, for some reason do not pay attention to the fact that Dracula in SotN also looks different from the one in RoB (palette, hair, animation). If Dracula's appearance changed, then why couldn't Richter's appearance change?
Firstly, I was only talking about part of the animation - those couple of frames when talking with Dracula, which appear for a few seconds.
Secondly, the alternative costume is only forced in the prologue (that’s how the game works).
Thirdly, the alt costume is official too, more neat, stylish and not spoiled by poor scaling like the classic one.
And fourthly, those who are so worried that Richter in an alt costume does not look canon, for some reason do not pay attention to the fact that Dracula in SotN also looks different from the one in RoB (palette, hair, animation). If Dracula's appearance changed, then why couldn't Richter's appearance change?
sorry to bug you Paul, but last week I just remembered I had a old Sega Saturn someone gave me from years ago in storage, I never tested it it had no hookups and I dug it out and got on ebay and got hookups and also got a Saroo. and never could patch Dracula X Ultimate IDK what program rips the disc to two BIN files. but I never could find one to do so and every ISO I could find was only one BIN and one CUE. but luckily for me someone shared a full patched version. and been playing it and really enjoying how fast it loads and plays and look. the voice acting well.. lol but still enjoying the work you did. how do you open the map from inside the game without opening the menu? sorry to bug you. but thank you for your work.
sorry to bug you Paul, but last week I just remembered I had a old Sega Saturn someone gave me from years ago in storage, I never tested it it had no hookups and I dug it out and got on ebay and got hookups and also got a Saroo. and never could patch Dracula X Ultimate IDK what program rips the disc to two BIN files. but I never could find one to do so and every ISO I could find was only one BIN and one CUE. but luckily for me someone shared a full patched version. and been playing it and really enjoying how fast it loads and plays and look. the voice acting well.. lol but still enjoying the work you did. how do you open the map from inside the game without opening the menu? sorry to bug you. but thank you for your work.
Press "Up+Start" to open the map directly. This is written both in the readme file and in the control menu of the game.
Press "Up+Start" to open the map directly. This is written both in the readme file and in the control menu of the game.
thank you very much. and yeah, I didn't think of the controls in the menu lol but very cool you put it in there. and miss place the txt file. anyway, thank you for taking the time to tell me the info. sorry to ask something that I should have been able to find myself.

on my way to get the spike breaker now and it has been running just as smooth as the PSX version on this micro-SD card in my Saroo card and on a real Saturn System. so if anyone wants to buy a Saroo cart like I did 50 bucks on aliexpress isn't a bad price. no problems at all as yet for me. was worried with the two bin files but dragged them in the bin folder and works great. might be a slow down here and there with an enemy like the bigger ones, but not much at all, been playing for hours. if someone ever does replace the PSP voices with the PSX this will replace my PSX version. really enjoying the game play running like it should.

also, on the voice's topic for others reading this post, has anyone else figured out that Alucard's voice actor from the PSP version is Sasuke! maybe everybody already knew this, but I just watch Naruto again lately, so it just hit me. also haven't played the PSP version, have been playing it more snice I replaced the voice with the PSX ones, so been running it on my Nvidia Shield, but anyway, now that I know this every time he talks, I think he's going to scream Naruto! LMAO no wonder I always felt he sounds like a teenager. just not a good fit for a 400-year-old vampire. also don't like Maria voice but can see what they were going for, in Rondo Maria voice was kind of like this, so maybe that's why she got that voice. I actually like the rest of the voices. just them two I truly hate. but that's what you get from a Japanese man who can't even speak English. at least KOJ learn his lesson when he made his own game Bloodstained and got the PSX voice actor for for OD Orlok Dracule.

anyway, I am truly blown away by the game play in this mod. Paul and your team you all out did yourself. thank you again. anyway, will post after beating it 100% to let other know if anything changes. snice this is version 1.1 you all probably already worked out all the bugs. anyway, very grateful for this mod and your hard work thank you again.
thank you very much. and yeah, I didn't think of the controls in the menu lol but very cool you put it in there. and miss place the txt file. anyway, thank you for taking the time to tell me the info. sorry to ask something that I should have been able to find myself.

on my way to get the spike breaker now and it has been running just as smooth as the PSX version on this micro-SD card in my Saroo card and on a real Saturn System. so if anyone wants to buy a Saroo cart like I did 50 bucks on aliexpress isn't a bad price. no problems at all as yet for me. was worried with the two bin files but dragged them in the bin folder and works great. might be a slow down here and there with an enemy like the bigger ones, but not much at all, been playing for hours. if someone ever does replace the PSP voices with the PSX this will replace my PSX version. really enjoying the game play running like it should.

also, on the voice's topic for others reading this post, has anyone else figured out that Alucard's voice actor from the PSP version is Sasuke! maybe everybody already knew this, but I just watch Naruto again lately, so it just hit me. also haven't played the PSP version, have been playing it more snice I replaced the voice with the PSX ones, so been running it on my Nvidia Shield, but anyway, now that I know this every time he talks, I think he's going to scream Naruto! LMAO no wonder I always felt he sounds like a teenager. just not a good fit for a 400-year-old vampire. also don't like Maria voice but can see what they were going for, in Rondo Maria voice was kind of like this, so maybe that's why she got that voice. I actually like the rest of the voices. just them two I truly hate. but that's what you get from a Japanese man who can't even speak English. at least KOJ learn his lesson when he made his own game Bloodstained and got the PSX voice actor for for OD Orlok Dracule.

anyway, I am truly blown away by the game play in this mod. Paul and your team you all out did yourself. thank you again. anyway, will post after beating it 100% to let other know if anything changes. snice this is version 1.1 you all probably already worked out all the bugs. anyway, very grateful for this mod and your hard work thank you again.

Hello warrior! Did you manage to figure out how to put the PSX voice acting on the Saturn version?
Test ver1.1 not working with Rhea ODE (CCD/IMG), dont know why, freeze at "caching..." and later return to 9 balls menu, anyone with the same issue?
Hello warrior! Did you manage to figure out how to put the PSX voice acting on the Saturn version?
no, sadly I'm not a programmer. Paul said I could change the audio with a hex editor. i looked at it but could not see how that would work, but then KnightofDragon said you can't use a hex editor to replace the audio, and would have to learn the programing language, he gave me a website and went there but no one will give me any more info than that on how to use it. or what programs. a short overview video would be a God sent. I'm willing to spend hours and hours to put in the work of repeating an action. but I'm not a programmer. and not technical enough to understand how to do this on my own. or even how to get started, and only thing I'm told when I ask is go read everything on my own to program Saturn games lol so that's not help, I loved over these websites but still don't get it. so I give up on it.

and stick to the PSX version mainly for the voices and story. and the PSP for my own Japanese fan Dub replacement, because there are no markers for the voices and it will wait for each audio file, before playing the next. I took the script from an old hack I seen on YouTube, that Translated the Japanese and did a text replacement of the Japanese game. so, I'm making that into an English Dub with the PSX voices. because of my love for the love for the PSX voices, and for fans who want the voices without the extra cheese lol been sick latly and stopped working on it even though it's 85% done.

but anyway, maybe one day someone will care what the fans want and put in the PSX voices in the Saturn version. but until then we have this hack that is a step in the right direction and shows it can be done. I'm sure someone will do it one day and then the perfect version will be made. I have enjoyed getting to play the Saturn version ( even with the teenage Alucard voice I truly hate. and Maria voice that isn't too good either. the rest of the voices for PSP are pretty good. ) I am very thankful to Paul and his work and his team for the hack. I am very grateful to all the hackers who made past hacks as well they got us this great version of the Saturn game NITM. just because I'm posting about the PSX voices I don't want them to feel I'm bashing them. think they have gotten a lot of hate for the Dub they used that they don't deserve. and don't think no one will be bashed into giving us the PSX audio. so want to remain thankful for the free work they gave to give us something. they should be very proud of forever. take care.
no, sadly I'm not a programmer. Paul said I could change the audio with a hex editor. i looked at it but could not see how that would work, but then KnightofDragon said you can't use a hex editor to replace the audio, and would have to learn the programing language, he gave me a website and went there but no one will give me any more info than that on how to use it. or what programs. a short overview video would be a God sent. I'm willing to spend hours and hours to put in the work of repeating an action. but I'm not a programmer. and not technical enough to understand how to do this on my own. or even how to get started, and only thing I'm told when I ask is go read everything on my own to program Saturn games lol so that's not help, I loved over these websites but still don't get it. so I give up on it.

and stick to the PSX version mainly for the voices and story. and the PSP for my own Japanese fan Dub replacement, because there are no markers for the voices and it will wait for each audio file, before playing the next. I took the script from an old hack I seen on YouTube, that Translated the Japanese and did a text replacement of the Japanese game. so, I'm making that into an English Dub with the PSX voices. because of my love for the love for the PSX voices, and for fans who want the voices without the extra cheese lol been sick latly and stopped working on it even though it's 85% done.

but anyway, maybe one day someone will care what the fans want and put in the PSX voices in the Saturn version. but until then we have this hack that is a step in the right direction and shows it can be done. I'm sure someone will do it one day and then the perfect version will be made. I have enjoyed getting to play the Saturn version ( even with the teenage Alucard voice I truly hate. and Maria voice that isn't too good either. the rest of the voices for PSP are pretty good. ) I am very thankful to Paul and his work and his team for the hack. I am very grateful to all the hackers who made past hacks as well they got us this great version of the Saturn game NITM. just because I'm posting about the PSX voices I don't want them to feel I'm bashing them. think they have gotten a lot of hate for the Dub they used that they don't deserve. and don't think no one will be bashed into giving us the PSX audio. so want to remain thankful for the free work they gave to give us something. they should be very proud of forever. take care.
Don't feel bad, friend. I'm a programmer and I still have no idea how to do it.
But I'll give it a shot someday