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  • Saturn 15bpp Graphics Converter
    5.00 star(s)
    This was instrumental in finishing the Jung Rhythm game. I do plan to write up a small tutorial...
    • Malenko

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Disk usage
18.5 GB
Birdcage of Horrors (English Translation Patch) derek (ateam)
English translation patch for the Sega Dreamcast film series "Birdcage of Horrors".
Access hidden menus, moves, and locations in the RPG with three names
A utility to batch re-encode Dreamcast SFD videos with baked-in subtitles.
Dreameye Image Extractor & Viewer RazorX
Takes your PASSPORT.P0X image files and quickly extracts the JPG from them.
GDMenu/OpenMenu HD Theme Manager (All-In-One Package) RazorX
  • Featured
Simple to use app for changing the default background of GDMenu and make/apply themes to OpenMenu
Easy OpenMenu Theme Creator RazorX
Easily convert an image to be used as an OpenMenu theme.
A utility to convert between SEGA Saturn 15bpp graphic format and bitmaps.
Golden Axe - debug menu patch bbayles
Play as G. Axe, display hit boxes, adjust game parameters, and more
Birdcage of Horrors (DC) - Saturn Cine Re-pak! ShadowMask
Birdcage of Horrors video series for Sega Saturn
Saturn Save Converter Knight0fDragon
Tool to convert save files to popular Emus
Savaki - extended prototype demo bbayles
Play through an earlier version of the mixed martial arts fighter
Metal Black - debug mode patch bbayles
Invincibility, frame advance, fast forward, and more
Dark Savior - extended prototype demo bbayles
See unfinished and unused scenes from a pre-final build of Dark Savior
Resident Evil Spanish (Spain) Translation PAL+NTSC-U WITH FULL DUB IlDucci
Spanish (Spain) patch for the European version of Resident Evil
Strikers 1945 - enable test mode bbayles
Stage select, character select, and more
Sengoku Blade - enable test mode bbayles
Stage select, character select, and more
Gunbird - enable test mode menu bbayles
Stage select, sprite test, and more
Dragon's Dream - offline battle test bbayles
Play a bit of Dragon's Dream for the first time in a long time
VATLVA - prototype demo extensions bbayles
Play unfinished stages and vehciles in the Saturn car combat game