Let's localize Bomberman Fight!!

I've noticed that some folks online have music in the wrong places after applying the beta SSP file for Fight, they'll have to apply the Fight beta SSP file with the SSP program that's included with the latest Grandia English patch for the issue to be fixed when applying it to their game.

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There is some progress with the ASM hack, Nanash1 is making good strides.

And Bo of Low Context Burning Rangers fame ( Rings of Saturn | Bo | Substack )
found how to keep stage select unlocked without the "Hu position" cheat

This will be patched in by default, looking to add the other unlocks/hiddens by default as well.
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Really nice.
I was wondering if you are also planning for a translation patch without unlockables ? (To the exception of the "hu position" case, which is bit particular.)

Main reason is, when an english patch pops out, it's a motivation for me to actually play the game as originally intended, and discover myself the unlockables after completing it. A kid's pleasure, like in 1995... 😉
Really nice.
I was wondering if you are also planning for a translation patch without unlockables ? (To the exception of the "hu position" case, which is bit particular.)
The only other thing that will be unlocked is Deral , and she's unlocked after beating the game once on any difficulty. Its more of a convenience unlock than a skill based one.
It looks like we may need to pivot away from the slimmer font hack due to technical issues, I've already designed a new 16x16 font thats VERY bombermanish. (its not 100% new its based on a font from an existing game)

This wont change the translation much (if at all) other than more lines needing to scroll. I like the change and it will get things going again which is always a good thing.

Also @ShadowMask has finished subtitling the cinepak videos, so that's one less thing to worry about.
Awesome. Waiting for your job to finish just to enjoy this game on my Saturn. Keep up the good work, men!
Now that Blue is almost done with the story, Im working on the survival mode......

Luckily, the background image do not need edited...

which is fortunate, because I dont like doing 8x8 jigsaw puzzles in Photosop 🙂

All of the Survival backgrounds are in SRNKBG.A

But I did start tackling the text (they are all big tiles, so its all graphical work)

ahh my favorite thing ever. Dithering.

accidental "Sonic the Hedgehog" vibes

inject them back into the game and you get this:

Ive cleaned up the bottom of the O after these screenies, but thats the gist.
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