Silhouette Mirage  - English Patch

Silhouette Mirage - English Patch 0.99b

Made an account to say thank you for putting in the effort to port the English translation back over to the original Saturn release!
You guys are doing awesome stuff! Do you have a Ko-Fi or do you take donations?
Thank you for your kind words! I do not personally have any way of accepting donations, nor do I really want them. I joined this project to give back to the community, and that is what I plan to do. If you still want to donate, then I recommend considering a donation to Sega Xtreme to thank them for hosting the patch and helping keep retro SEGA alive.
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Admittedly I wish the translation was for the japanese PSX version so we could have all the extra content but without the stupider gameplay changes working designs did in the english version..
Admittedly I wish the translation was for the japanese PSX version so we could have all the extra content but without the stupider gameplay changes working designs did in the english version..
While I am not entirely sure how the Japanese psx is arranged (I haven't looked at it), if it is anything like the English copy, then the documentation from this project would likely facilitate such an effort (would be happy to share what we know). That said, we do not plan on tackling the PSX version.
Hi, does it matter if we use the original version or the satakore version of the game I think not but just to be sure. ty.
Hi! Just read that you're unable to reproduce the crash pause bug in 4-3. Just recently, the crash occurred on my side when trying to pause.
Which emulator are you using to test the English patch? I used Beetle Saturn via RetroArch.
Hi! Just read that you're unable to reproduce the crash pause bug in 4-3. Just recently, the crash occurred on my side when trying to pause.
Which emulator are you using to test the English patch? I used Beetle Saturn via RetroArch.
I tested for the crash in Mednafen and Yaba Sanshiro (both stand alone and on PC). To be clear, 4-3 is the battle over the soup bowl in the game's file structure, but I tried pausing frequently throughout a playthrough of all of Area 4 and had no crashes in either emulator.

Edit: I should clarify that I am still seeking solutions for this issue regardless (as multiple people have reported in on real hardware and emulator).
I was able reproduce the crash in Mednafen just now after spamming pause! I am unsure why this is happening (as there were no unique adjustments to 4-3), but I have some ideas of approaches.
Hi, does it matter if we use the original version or the satakore version of the game I think not but just to be sure. ty.
Patch is incompatible with the Satakore version right now. From the original version (v1.003) to Satakore (v1.100), six files were changed:
  • BGM07.DA
  • BGM12.DA
  • BGM21.DA
  • STG21.BIN
  • STG63.BIN
  • STG71.BIN
Satakore support requires these BIN files to be edited again (DA files are just audio) and put in a separate patch. A neat thing about Sega Saturn Patcher is that an SSP can contain multiple SSPs, each of which target a specific game version. With this, it's possible to make a patch that supports both versions of Silhouette Mirage, but it's for @Rasputin3000 to decide if it's worth the extra effort.
Patch is incompatible with the Satakore version right now. From the original version (v1.003) to Satakore (v1.100), six files were changed:
  • BGM07.DA
  • BGM12.DA
  • BGM21.DA
  • STG21.BIN
  • STG63.BIN
  • STG71.BIN
Satakore support requires these BIN files to be edited again (DA files are just audio) and put in a separate patch. A neat thing about Sega Saturn Patcher is that an SSP can contain multiple SSPs, each of which target a specific game version. With this, it's possible to make a patch that supports both versions of Silhouette Mirage, but it's for @Rasputin3000 to decide if it's worth the extra effort.
Knowing this, I will do my best to make the final patch version compatible with both versions!

Also, small update. After god knows how many hours of trial and error, I have solved the STG 4-3 crash on pause bug! I can finally get back to Area 5 translations (next beta patch eta ~1 week).
Bug Fix Proof.png
Nice! Now, I had a hard time getting the 0.73 patch to work on my Phoebe ODE -- I couldn't get it to load past the Tutorial -- but that could be that either I patched the wrong version of Silhouette Mirage, or I simply need to update the firmware on my Phoebe. Fingers crossed that I don't have to do either with patch 0.90!
Nice! Now, I had a hard time getting the 0.73 patch to work on my Phoebe ODE -- I couldn't get it to load past the Tutorial -- but that could be that either I patched the wrong version of Silhouette Mirage, or I simply need to update the firmware on my Phoebe. Fingers crossed that I don't have to do either with patch 0.90!
I do not have a Phoebe to test unfortunately. I have heard from Phoebe users that previous versions worked, so fingers crossed.
Created this account to ask: are there certain settings that need to be set in the Sega Saturn Patcher for the output rom to work in Mednafen? I can run the original Japanese version just fine, but trying to run the rom with the translation patch applied makes it hang on the SEGA logo screen in the bios.