GBA Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin hacked with Richters outfit from Sega...

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"This simple Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin hack is just a reskin for Richter to give him his Saturn outfit. Some sprites were edited to fit and the sprites were ripped by Tailikku. Otherwise everything will be left unchanged with some fixes to some of the text...

Sega 32x running 32,768 color video by Victor Luchitz

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Fenrir ODE beta 21 pins update 2021

Hidden Palace releases 700+ PS2 protos, some Sega games in the pile.

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REminiscence - Flashback for Dreamcast updated 2021

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Update By Ian micheal
fast cutscenes
-fullspeed now
-full english bug fixed
-Pvr dma double buffer no more screen tearing fixed
15 bit colour fixed 16 bit alignment and memory no more shaking and more speed
--todo music looping...

Kronos introduces easy Action Replay cheat search function

The Lighthouse of São Bento do Oeste. A new visual novel game for Sega Saturn

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"Detective Renne Bras travels to the small town of São Bento do Oeste to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a couple at the city’s lighthouse. Submitted in this 2020's Jogabilidade game jam (#Geleiabilidade) The...
Translating Cotton 2
Cotton 2 English Patch
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This is a translation patch for the Sega Saturn Version of Cotton 2 by Success. The patch will translate the entire text of the game to English.
Phantasy Star retranslation 2.00 released
Phantasy Star retranslation 2.00 released
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We are proud to announce the release of version 2.00 of our long-in-production translation patch for Phantasy Star. This patch retranslates the original Japanese game to give a whole host of improvements...
You can now emulate some terrible N-gage Symbian Sega games
You can now emulate some terrible N-gage Symbian Sega games
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Dinosaur Planet - Star Fox Adventures proto dumped
Dinosaur Planet - Star Fox Adventures
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This has to be one of the most important proto dumps ever released so why not revive the nintendo section here for once.
Garfield: Caught in the Act - 2021, February 16th
Garfield: Caught in the Act
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Released in the late genesis/game gear year of 1995, vbt supposedly played this nonstop in the summer of 1995 and it's his favorite Garfield game.

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