Knight0fDragon cracks the Prologue 21 games protection and makes them run on...

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(Some nudity, nsfw)

These are games made to only work on the Sega Super Prologue 21 Karaoke model, well now thanks to Knight0fDragon you can run them on any Saturn or emulator, currently there is only one game dumped and it will probably appear in the next...

Skies of Arcadia uncensored version for Dreamcast by Fafadou

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"This version includes elements from the Japanese Dreamcast version that were removed in the American and European versions of the game, as well as in the "Legend" version on Nintendo Game Cube. Note that it does not include the additions of the "Legend"...

Castlevania X68000 Megadrive demo by Master Linkuei

Various Saturn/MD/Megacd dev stuff released by Forest of Illusion

Fenrir now supports loading .chds over wifi

Pseudo Saturn Kai now supports nested folders for Fenrir

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