It's nearly Xmas

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Thanks to JrJohn, RoS and a bit me, the Unfinished Business conversion on the Sega Saturn is running on a multi-boot CD.
Don't miss it !

Silhouette Mirage  - English Patch
Silhouette Mirage - English Patch
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Hi, this is the official thread for the ongoing Silhouette Mirage english fan translation project. Soniccd123, Malenko, and myself are inserting the PSX Working Designs script into the game and we are making excellent progress (check out the...

v1.1 RELEASE - "Cool Cool Toon" English translation patch.

derek (ateam)
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Over a year in the making, I'm very excited to announce the release of our English translation patch for "Cool Cool Toon" on the SEGA Dreamcast! This has easily become my favorite rhythm game for the DC. Hopefully you all fall in love with it too!

To download...
The Simpsons: Virtual Bart
The Simpsons: Virtual Bart
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Game of the "week or so because I forgot" The Simpson's: Virtual Bart!

Chosen not for the quality, or the nostalgia, no, it was sitting on my shelf because it's one of my wife's favorite games. Yes, really.

Honestly it's not as terrible of a game as you'd think so long as your...
Spanish Translation for Deep Fear
Spanish Translation for Deep Fear
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As the title says, Mr.Nobody aka @mrnobodystudios has published a patch with the Spanish translation on romhacking. You can read all the information about it in his...
Pokemon Emerald Nova
Pokemon Emerald Nova
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Many of you have heard me say that I'd likely never try to do a Pokemon fan game for fear of Nintendo drawing and quartering me. A complete engine rebuild on Saturn would either entail massive copyright infringement, or way too much work on my end making some translation software to run on...

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